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June 27, 2020, 6 min read, In: computer technology
Originally published on: Stack Overflow

Iterating puppeteer async methods in for loop vs.

As all puppeteer methods are asynchronous it doesn't matter how we iterate over them. I've made a comparison and a rating of the most commonly recommended and used options.

For this purpose, I have created a React.Js example page with a lot of React buttons here (I just call it Lot Of React Buttons). Here (1) we are able to set how many buttons to be rendered on the page; (2) we can activate the black buttons to turn green by clicking on them. I consider it an identical use case as the OP's, and it is also a general case of browser automation (we expect something to happen if we do something on the page). Let's say our use case is:

Scenario outline: click all the buttons with the same selector
  Given I have <no.> black buttons on the page
  When I click on all of them
  Then I should have <no.> green buttons on the page

There is a conservative and a rather extreme scenario. To click no. = 132 buttons is not a huge CPU task, no. = 1320 can take a bit of time.


In general, if we only want to perform async methods like in iteration, but we don't want to return a new array: it is a bad practice to use Map() execution is going to finish before all the iteratees are executed completely because Array iteration methods execute the iteratees synchronously, but these iteratees are asynchronous.

Code example

const elHandleArray = await page.$$('button') el => {

await page.screenshot({ path: 'clicks_map.png' })
await browser.close()


132 buttons scenario result: ❌

Duration: 891 ms

By watching the browser in headful mode it looks like it works, but if we check when the page.screenshot happened: we can see the clicks were still in progress. It is due to the fact the cannot be awaited by default. It is only luck that the script had enough time to resolve all clicks on all elements until the browser was not closed.

running map

result map

1320 buttons scenario result: ❌

Duration: 6868 ms

If we increase the number of elements of the same selector we will run into the following error: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Node is either not visible or not an HTMLElement, because we already reached await page.screenshot() and await browser.close(): the async clicks are still in progress while the browser is already closed.

II. Array.forEach

All the iteratees will be executed, but forEach() is going to return before all of them finish execution, which is not the desired behavior in many cases with async functions. In terms of puppeteer it is a very similar case to, except: for Array.forEach does not return a new array.

Code example

const elHandleArray = await page.$$('button')

elHandleArray.forEach(async el => {

await page.screenshot({ path: 'clicks_foreach.png' })
await browser.close()


132 buttons scenario result: ❌

Duration: 1058 ms

By watching the browser in headful mode it looks like it works, but if we check when the page.screenshot happened: we can see the clicks were still in progress.

running foreach

result foreach

1320 buttons scenario result: ❌

Duration: 5111 ms

If we increase the number of elements with the same selector we will run into the following error: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Node is either not visible or not an HTMLElement because we already reached await page.screenshot() and await browser.close(): the async clicks are still in progress while the browser is already closed.

III. page.$$eval + forEach

The best performing solution is a slightly modified version of bside's answer. The page.$$eval (page.$$eval(selector, pageFunction[, ...args])) runs Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)) within the page and passes it as the first argument to pageFunction. It functions as a wrapper over forEach hence it can be awaited perfectly.

Code example

await page.$$eval('button', elHandles => elHandles.forEach(el =>

await page.screenshot({ path: 'clicks_eval_foreach.png' })
await browser.close()


132 buttons scenario result: ✔

Duration: 711 ms

By watching the browser in headful mode we see the effect is immediate, also the screenshot is taken only after every element has been clicked, every promise has been resolved.

running eval foreach

result eval foreach

1320 buttons scenario result: ✔

Duration: 3445 ms

Works just like in the case of 132 buttons, extremely fast.

IV. for...of loop

The simplest option, not that fast and executed in sequence. The script won't go to page.screenshot until the loop is not finished.

Code example

const elHandleArray = await page.$$('button')

for (const el of elHandleArray) {

await page.screenshot({ path: 'clicks_for_of.png' })
await browser.close()


132 buttons scenario result: ✔

Duration: 2957 ms

By watching the browser in headful mode we can see the page clicks are happening in strict order, also the screenshot is taken only after every element has been clicked.

running forof

result forof

1320 buttons scenario result: ✔

Duration: 25 396 ms

Works just like in case of 132 buttons (but it takes more time).


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